• Weighted keel
• Removable swivel heads
• Unsinkable durability
• Extreme visibility from the air
• Realistic details for finishing birds
• Short-stringing keel design
• Official Decoy of Ducks Unlimited
Endorsed by World Open Meat Duck Calling Champion, Kelley Powers. This Super Oversized, Unsinkable High-Contrast Package Includes: 3 Flocked Head Battleship Mallard Drakes & 3 Battleship Black Ducks with swivel heads and weighted, self-righting keels. Foam-Filling virtually makes it bulletproof. Keel allows short stringing decoys for shallow water. Higdon's highly detailed, proprietary UV painting process and deep realistic carving techniques highlight each individual feather and minimize unnatural glare, even when decoys are wet. Our paint won't peel or fade, so your decoys will look great season after season, whether you leave your decoys out all season or pick up after every hunt. As a Ducks Unlimited Official Licensed Product, a percentage of your purchase will go towards wetland conservation.
"When viewing ducks from the air, two colors really stand out to me...black and white. In my opinion, regular hen decoys just disappear on muddy water. Knowing this, I prefer to hunt over a darkened hen decoy or even black duck decoys and add along with them bright-bodied flocked-head mallard drakes. Overall, this creates a high-contrast appearance that stands out on bright sunny days as well as those dark cloudy mornings and is the perfect combination for a big spread, Power Hunting type scenario."
- Kelley Powers
World Open Meat Duck Calling Champion
Drake Upright: 20.125" Beak to Tail, 8" Wide; 43.62 oz;
Drake Low: 19.625" Beak to Tail, 8" Wide; 40.78 oz;
Hen Upright: 20.125" Beak to Tail, 8" Wide; 43.62 oz;